Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Update -My Rhema Came True!

Isaiah 7:4,7
"Do not lose heart because of these two smouldering stubs of fire...It will not take place, it will not happen...will be too shattered..."

Thank you so much for praying alongside me for today we saw His deliverance. We went for a ct scan again at SJMC today. The nurse was wide eyed that a ct scan was scheduled again only after 2 months. That was because the last ct scan showed 2 nodules marginally larger and although the doctor was not alarmed it still meant I had to come back for early testing again just in case it progressed.

The past 2 months had its ups and downs - down because physically I was trying to recover from cough which Ethan infected me twice, down because I was struck with massive back pain twice, two weeks ago and again only last Sunday night, down because I coughed blood which initially scared me. Up because I grew closer to the Lord. His words to me have been very encouraging and preparing me. He told me to be strong in spirit, he told me Isaiah 7 and I was encouraged so much so that when I coughed blood I put 2 and 2 together, it could mean that I coughed up the tumour.

I read 2 Chronicles 20 and God said the battle was His and all I had to do was to give thanks and sing praises. The passage showed that the 2 armies that came after the Israelites started destroying one another after they finished slaughtering the men in Seir. All this happened while the Israelites were singing and praising God! How amazing is that?!

I was filled with new confidence. Yesterday, there was rain storm at my area for only 15 minutes. My back was aching, I was feeling weak, I could hardly even pray in tongues or sing praises but when the rain came, my spirit soared. I asked God to show me lightning that he would send lightning to smoke the mountain, to shoot his arrows and rout my enemies. And He did, just once. The lightning was pretty near followed by a mighty loud thunder and I jumped and then I praised God and thanked Him!

Today as we went to the hospital I just started singing praise songs. The ct scan showed that the MAJORITY of the nodules have reduced in size. For the first time, the report said that I am responding to treatment. Praise to the Lord! He is forever faithful and nothing is impossible for Him.

Henry and I are just jumping with joy and continuing in praise. Praise the Lord, we extol You, we declare your wondrous works! And to Jesus be praise, glory, honour and power forever and ever!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear this news. I am praying for you as well. Be certain in your heart that God is with you in good times as well as at the times that seems troubling. Be assured that He will be besides you when you walk along the dark valleys giving you strength and rest.
