There were amazing testimonies from four people who attended Elpizo yesterday that demonstrate the supernatural power of God and how His ways are higher than ours. When we do not have God in our heart, we follow the natural, the facts but when we follow God and simply believe His word, we can experience His supernatural healing.
1) Alfie who was diagnosed with stage 4 thymoma cancer
His tumour was quite big - approximately 10 cm by 6 cm. He initially asked "Why me?" A second opinion from a Singaporian oncologist gave him 70% success rate and that gave him hope. As he turned to God, he stumbled upon John 11:4 'When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.”' This was a rhema from God and this verse gave him hope that God told him that 100%, he will not die but will glorify Him! As he sought God, his confiedence in God grew and he stopped asking "Why me?".
He went through 6 cycles of chemo, 3 drips each cycle, so all in all a total of 18 times of chemotherapy. The tumour was almost touching his heart and T7 of his spinal chord so he couldn't be operated on. He had to go through 21 sessions of radiotherapy. The doctor warned him of side effects of the chemo and radiotherapy but through it all, he had minimal side effects, not even nausea! Within 7 months of his treatment, the tumour did shrink to about half. According to his doctor, the tumour is like a husk and in cancer like these, the tumour normally does not reduce much. However, during the last scan in April (about 4 months later), the scan showed that ALL the cancer cells are INACTIVE and the tumour size had further reduced to less than half. Only God can do miracles because He is a supernatural God. Alfie said that God has His timing for all of us, some miracles happen overnight, some bit by bit. So, we just need to patient and just cling on to His words.
Sheri Lim shared that as a believer, our patience is a hopeful waiting in confidence, trusting the Lord to deliver, but for a non believer, it is a desperate wait in hope, constantly seeking a cure and living in the natural. Sometimes, even Christians have no confidence. That is because they do not have God's words in their hearts. The word of God is about God and the holy spirit. When we have holy spirit and God, we have the power to command the cancer cells to wither and die.
2) May diagnosed with stage one breast cancer
She knows many other women suffer moret Han her because her diagnosis is only stage one. She wanted to share with us how she overcame fear. She was a new Christian then and not a very fervent one. She returned to church to pray. Everywhere she turned or read, God seems to be telling her "Go natural". So, she sensed from God not to do chemo or radiotherapy. She discussed with her husband who also agreed. However, they felt to be safe they ought to do at least 10 doses of reiki (?) radiotherapy treatment. After the treatment, she confided in her close doctor friend who was shocked that she didn't go for the normal chemo and radiotherapy. May felt so terrible after that and she cried to God whether she had heard Him correctly that maybe she made a mistake after all. A pastor prayed for her and gave her a word from God "Jesus says I am the one sacrificed at the altar and not cancer" She still had doubts. When she felt pain, she wondered where there was a recurrence. She went through doubts for a year and then she had a dream. She dreamt she was tearing out from her skin like snake skin, like tearing cancer away from her body. A beautiful angel appeared and said "I told you, you are healed". She woke up and repented " I am so sorry I did not trust you. I will remember your word 'the one sacrificed is Jesus not cancer'". Since that day, her faith grew leaps and bounds. Today she is an intercessor in her church and also serves in the creative ministry! She said it was Satan that blocks messages from God and puts fear in her heart but today she stands victorious!
3) Julia diagnosed of thyroid cancer
Her recent scan showed that she had no more mestatasis. She constantly had fears of what the scan would show but despite that God was merciful and cleared her from cancer. She sensed God telling her that she must glorify God. She clung on to His word of Matthew 8:17 She seems like a shy elderly lady but because of God's power, she stood before us yesterday to give us her testimony. She told us she disciplined herself to read Sheri Lim's book daily, a chapter a day. She read the daily bread daily. She read five verses daily from Dodie Osteen's book "Healed of Cancer". She read 2 chapters of the bible daily. She shared that her husband is going for baptism soon and we all clapped and rejoiced in the Lord! She is so joyous that she has this longing to serve but she didn't know what she could do so she decided to wash dishes at the senior citizen's group in her church and even in Elpizo!
4) Tina diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in 2007 - recent relapse
When it was confirmed of her relapse of breast cancer in May she said she had NO FEAR! She says she has the joy of the Lord. In fact, she said she thinks you can rarely find someone like her - fearless of what is to come. She believes that her life here is temporary but she is ever ready to go if the Lord calls her home. She felt lumps in her neck. She said it can't be operated because she may have a stroke and there is only a 5% safe rate. She just wants to glorify God. She said after 10 months of relapse and not doing anything, she was progressively deteriorating. She couldn't eat well and each time she ate and drank, she felt like choking. She could not sing. She opted for targeted therapy. On 8 March this year, she had a ct scan but her doctor wanted her to do a pet scan as well as a procedure on 31 March. She was not happy about the radiation but took the doctor's advice. On 11 March, her friend gave her some Sabah snake plant which she took for 4 days. She also did her fist chemo. The result of the pet scan showed that the tumour shrank a lot! Her doctor is surprised. She can now eat, drink and sing again! She said when she goes for healing rallies, she doesn't feel anything. But she said just believe even when you don't feel anything after the healing session. She thanks God daily for her healing. She said sickness is all in the mind. Just try focussing on God instead and you won't have much side effects. Tina is a lady full of joy. Her doctor recognizes her and she asked why. The doctor said it is because she always comes in smiling when she sees him.
Sheri Lim says that in Tina's case she has experienced spiritual healing. She looks to the Healer and not the healing. She just wants God's presence. If your spirit is strong, it doesn't matter if we die physically because the fact is, we can die anytime. She gave us a verse from 2 Corinthians 4:17 "17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." so ww should fix our eyes on what is unseen and not what is seen. As our spirit strengthens, healing spreads from inside out, first from our spirit to our soul ( ie mind, emotion and will) and from our soul to our body. It is like an egg. Spirit for the yolk. Egg white for the soul and egg shell for the body.
Conference on Jerusalem, April 27-29, 2025
2 days ago
these are such encouraging testimonies and truly taught me more about faith. thanks for sharing!