The church is earnestly praying for me
A few mornings ago, after praying in tongues, I asked God for a word from the bible. I flipped open the bible and it fell on Acts 12:5 and as I put myself in Peter's shoes, I realized that God was trying to tell me something!
Acts 12:5
"So Peter (Liz) was kept in prison, but prayer was being made earnestly to God for him (her) by the church"
Yes, it is true, my church, the body of Christ in many parts of the world has been earnestly praying for me and each time I ask for prayers, I see miracles happen. The last was just last week when the cough calmed down and the fever disappeared shortly after i asked for prayers. It was also the same week that Brother Leong Poh Lye came to town and laid hands on me to pray for me as well.
I read on and it talked about how Peter was freed from chains, how an angel helped him escape from the first guard and then the second guard and all throughout, he did not actually believe it was happening. Sometimes, that happens to me to. I have a tad of spirit of unbelief in me and I know that is what is holding me back from receiving more from God. Remember the man in the bible who said to Jesus "Lord, i believe, help my unbelief". Somedays I cry out to God like that and Acts 12:11 told me not to doubt God anymore. I sense God say to me "Doubt no more Liz, doubt no more".
The angel has led me through the trials and have brought me to the iron gate that leads to the city, where victory is! Last Wednesday, Elaine gave me another word from God "The thief is destroyed. Victory is yours. Just believe, believe".
Even Peter confessed in Acts 12:11:
"Then Peter came to himself and said "Now I know for certain that the Lord has sent me His angel and rescued me...."
How awesome is God! I knew this was God's rhema for me but I was unsure to write about it until last night during bible study (Session 6 of "Praying in Power" by John Ortberg), Henry whipped out this verse again and I was so surprised! God had just only spoken to me and He is speaking again to me so I shared with my group last night what God said to me. We have such a loving God who never letsus go. Even when we aren't sure, He comes again and speaks to us! I will never doubt You ever again Lord!
God's kingdom ALWAYS WINS over darkness!
Conference on Jerusalem, April 27-29, 2025
2 days ago
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