Monday, November 1, 2010

From straight to wavy hair

Yup! It is confirmed. I officially have wavy hair growing from my roots now. I was just at the hairdresser this morning and both the stylist and the washer guy asked if I had straightened my hair before. I told them I had straight, fine and soft hair since the day I was born so the wavy hair they see is a new phenomenon. They told me it could be hormonal change.

It is good to know that my hormones are working! I first noticed the curls when my eye lashes started to curl up last Christmas! I see it happening but I can't believe my eyes. Then the back of my hair starts to get wavy and my fringe never flops down anymore. It just stands up like as if I had just taken off my hair band. I have been keeping quiet about the wavy hair until Elaine and my colleagues mentioned it again. So, it is not just me noticing it. I have gotten to the point I decided i will just let it grow so it does not stand up so much but Henry says I ought to get them trimmed.

So, it was an interesting trip to the hair dresser today when they confirmed have wavy roots! Nope, I am not complaining, i have always wanted hair with more volume. I think kiehl's thickening shampoo helped clean up my scalp to make it healthier too. But most of all I think it is God just granting me the desire of my heart!

Now, I have to figure out what style goes with wavy hair and buy natural products to control the frizz and flyaway hairs! What a wonderful change to have! Thank you Father God for abundant, wavy, healthy hair. Thank you Lord for everything!

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