Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I am a Jesus boy/ girl

Hey! I found the verse that sort of says "I am a Jesus boy/ girl". I discovered the bible verse yesterday during the ranch helpers' meet at the Blazing Star Stable when we were having our hands on session with the crafts for the coming Vacation Bible Study (VBS - SADDLE RIDGE) next week.

The verse is from Philippians 2:5
'Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus'

I have been practicing parenting by grace to overcome my tendency to get really agitated when the kids misbehave. My tendency is to use the words "don't". It is really a challenge for me to use words positively to encourage them to do the right thing without using the word "don't". These days, I find it easier to apply words from the bible and get my boys to say God's words aloud eg "I am kind, I am patient". I started out with these two characteristics from 1 Corinthians 13 since it is much needed in my household. Ideally, if we could personalize 1 Corinthians 13 and substitute "love" with I, we would reap much benefits from the verses in difficult situations.

"I am patient, I am kind. I do not envy, I do not boast, I am not proud. I am not rude, I am not self-seeking, I am not easily angered, I keep no record of wrongs. I do not delight in evil but rejoice with the truth. I always protect, always trust in what is true, always hope, always persevere.'

So, instead of freaking out, I would tell the boys that a Jesus boy would be kind and gentle to give them a sense of an identity in Christ rather than say "You must not ....." or "You must ...." like obeying a set of rules. So, I would say "Are you a Jesus boy? Say I am kind, I am gentle". And this has been most helpful to bring calm around the house because even when Henry and I get out of hand in scolding the kids out of condemnation rather than out of grace, the children ask us to say the same too! "Mummy, why are you angry? Mummy say I am kind, I am gentle". Then my tone of voice changes and then I can discipline them out of love rather than out of anger.

Yesterday, I was very excited because the phrase "I am a Jesus boy or girl" is actually from the verse Philippians 2:5 and not something I psychology game I am playing. God's word is truth and they bring life to us, to our family. Thank you Lord for everything.

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