Monday, January 4, 2010

My Cousins, the Encouragers

It's amazing how this journey has brought about much closer ties then ever thought possible. Meet my cousins Jean (left) and Tammy (right). These are only 2 out of more cousins that have encouraged me in this journey. Their testimonies are amazing. Tammy survived cancer twice! TWICE! She was the one that highlighted my rhema from God - 1 Timothy 2:7 "God did not give me a spirit of fear but of power, love and sound judgment". The night (early July 2009) she revealed God's rhema to me, I experienced a miracle from God. I was so excited after experiencing this miracle that I decided to call this an adventure with God. I knew I would have to just put on my seat belt and get ready for a ride that will change my life. And I just had to bring you guys along with me. :)

Meet Jean. I've not met her for decades! But only yesterday, she shared her powerful testimonies and it set me to remind me that if we sincerely look for God, we will surely find Him and He will guide us all the way. Her first few experiences was being slain during altar call and she found herself in a foetal position with a vision of a baby that would not stop crying. She was delivered from the spirit of rejection that was tormenting her since childhood. How God gave her the gift of tongues and later she found a stirring in her heart to just follow Him and leave all the material things in life.

Jean is now helping migrant workers full time. She has experienced so much of God and attends a methodist church with her hubby. She says it doesn't matter where we go to worship. "I just go with an attitude that God has something to bless me for that Sunday so it doesn't matter if its a pastor that normally sends people to sleep" she says.

Wow! As she shared with me blow by blow I only knew this is not a chance meet but God telling me something. To be prepared for changes. To trust Him for more to come. To follow Him. I went home telling Henry that when he attends Deeper Life Seminar, to cast out all unbelief and doubts in his life, so that change can come. We cannot remain in our old shells now that we have experienced God so real in our lives.

Steven Lee gave me a word from God this year for the new year from Deuteronomy 1:11

"May the LORD, the God of your fathers, increase you a thousand times and bless you as he has promised!"

He says be prepared. Just be a vessel that God can continue to use. Be like a cup and ask that God continues to bless me because he believes there is more and to claim them!

Today, Hamir prayed that my family would be more fruitful this year. I pray that my homegroup and my church will be more fruitful this year and to experience God like never before! Please share when you experience God. My homegroup's focus this year is "Testifying God's Goodness as Praise to God". It is when we testify that we give glory to God and we encourage each other in our walk with Him just like how my cousins encouraged me. Praise the Lord for encouragers!

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