Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Update - cough reducing

Update - cough reducing

I got up in the wee hours this morning feeling sore on my back so I decided to spend some time with God. It was not easy because my throat was dry. I wanted to sing and talk but it was tough. I started singing, all croaky but I persevered because I know if I sing long enough, I will be at His dwelling place. Then, I went into a dance and sort of like exercising but doing a praise dance to God. I was praying for my friends and then I broke out in tongues and then fell asleep again till morning. It was so weird but I enjoyed my time with Him.

I have been meditating on Psalm 27: 4-8

4 One thing I ask from the LORD,
this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the LORD
and to seek him in his temple.
5 For in the day of trouble
he will keep me safe in his dwelling;
he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent
and set me high upon a rock.

6 Then my head will be exalted
above the enemies who surround me;
at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy;
I will sing and make music to the LORD.

7 Hear my voice when I call, LORD;
be merciful to me and answer me.
8 My heart says of you, “Seek his face!”
Your face, LORD, I will seek.

Actually, the whole Psalm 27 is so beautiful. It gets better and better each time I read it. Yesterday, at Elpizo, Ps David of the Full Gospel Christian Church in Brickfields chose to speak on Ps 27. I was thrilled. Again, it is not a coincidence that he chose the same Psalm.

What I took home was he said to wait upon the Lord. And I know the term 'to wait upon the Lord' or at least I thought I did. He said to wait until we hear God before we declare or claim God's promises. This morning, I was just doing that. I was preparing myself to hear from God and each time I sense Him ie when I cry because I am touched by Him ( it works for me) I then began to claim His promises and it is more effective this way. Ps Yonggi Cho observes it is God's rhema word that heals. It is not just a list of God's promises that we run through but it does help to run through them because it is medicine and the more you feed on God's word it goes into our spirit man and brings life to our body.

As I laid down, I put my hand on my chest and just thanked Him and spoke His words "Thank you Lord for healing me. Thank you that you sent forth your word and healed me. Thank you that you have restored me back to health and healed all my wounds (Jer 30:17). Thank you that your word is spirit and life. Your word that you are restoring me back to health and healing me all my wounds are flowing through every cell, every tissue, every being of me ( my hand motions the flow of his words throughout my chest). Your life, your word is flowing into my lungs dissolving all tumours and growths. I thank you, I praise you that by Your stripes, I am healed. Body, align yourself to the word of God. Body, you are completely healed and made whole".

Last night, during bible class, a lady came forward and gave me anointing oil for my healing. I did not tell her my condition but i suppose she noticed me coughing. She said to apply it at bed time, say a prayer for healing and keep thanking God evey day after that. Ps David also said when we pray, we wait in expectation that God will heal us and we keep thanking Him that He has answered our prayers.

I applied the oil while saying the above prayer. This morning, I noticed the cough has reduced even more. It is no longer an itchy cough that starts every time I do something. It has changed to a productive cough where I cough to spit out white phlegm. Yesterday, during the entire Elpizo meeting, I hardly coughed. I did stretching exercise for an hour this morning and I hardly coughed too. Sometimes I cough continuously to get the phlegm out but once it is out, I am good.

The morning stretches got rid of the back stiffness. I really enjoy stretching. It is so relaxing. I feel rather good today. I am going to try to do another set of stretches at night too. I just want to glorify God for taking the cough away and making me stronger today. I know as soon as I say it, the evil one will plot to attack again but I will meditate on Psalm 27 and keep my head above my adversaries and gaze at God's beauty and dwell in His house instead. It is the only way to win the battle. Please pray for me my dear friends.

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