Sunday, July 25, 2010

Receiving His grace all over again

Everyday we get up, pray to receive His grace all over again. Then we realize how LITTLE we know about Christ. I think my journey started that way. They were simple questions - “Why did Jesus die for us?”, “What is the point of his death?”, “Where is the change for those who believe?”, “What does it mean to overcome?”, “Why don’t I feel I have overcomed?”.

This morning I laid in bed and thought it is really such a fallacy to just think that we can wait upon the Holy Spirit to change us day by day to become more and more like Christ. It is more like He is waiting for us to say yes to Him, to let Him move in our lives, to ask Him for strength etc.

In my mind this mroning, I laid down how I functioned in the past:

Daily routine (family+work) – love God but do nothing mostly - hardly read the bible - do devotion with kids but pushing through – serve God in any way I can – pray to God but not very sure He will answer – not very thankful when good small things happen thinking it is a coincidence – think it is human to be angry – ask for forgiveness – try again to be better – influenced by the people around us eg office mates, lukewarm Christians alike – open to ideas of new age, yoga- unable to answer tough questions from non-believers but not really seeking the answers- get spiritually demotivated – begin not to believe in God – spiritually dying – leading to death (falling sick etc)

…and compared to now:

Giving thanks to God for everything- daily seeking the truth and digging daily – praising and singing – watching Him bless us – seeing signs in the sky - believing that God can do all things – believing God will take care of my family, my health, my kids’ health, education, Henry at his work place etc – moving by the spirit in areas I think He wants me to do - watch in amazement the blessings others receive - am thankful for Him using me - try more baby steps out of old ways -using my spiritual authority to cast down all negative thoughts from the devil – growing in strength of the Lord – loving God more – sharing with others God’s love –serving in a more meaningful way - alive in God!

So, although we should not feel condemned (Romans 8:1) when we don’t read the bible, we should ASK the holy spirit for strength and cry out to Him for strength for His word to touch us. Then, you can start to read or listen to the bible or hear a sermon in church or in the car/computer etc and pray for the holy spirit to guide us to understanding. ASK God to reveal His love to us and then give thanks to Him and praise Him for every little blessing and open door (eg revelation of His word) that He gives to us. I pray you will be so blown away by His love! Get ready for an adventure of a lifetime for then His glory will surpass any awful thing you are experiencing knowing that He will guide you through all things! And THAT's reigning in life. :)

(Romans 5:17, AMP)

"For if because of one man's trespass (lapse, offense) death reigned through that one, much more surely will those who receive [God's] overflowing grace (unmerited favor) and the free gift of righteousness [putting them into right standing with Himself] reign as kings in life through the one Man Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One)"

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