Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Best Christian Blog Of the Week

Wow! I am almost in tears! God is awesome indeed. His words goes forth and it never returns to Him void. I was checking the comments on my blog whilst enjoying my stay in Singapore when I discovered a note from Cyberanger that I have been awarded best blog of the week. Praise the Lord! All Glory to God! I am so encouraged to know that there are people out there reading my blog, which is really God's blog because I've dedicated to Him. Thanks Cyberanger, I am humbled to receive this award. :)



  1. WOW....Praise Jesus..this is where positive blogging can become so encouraging and life changing and not tearing people down, as many blogs do...use blogs to share love, peace, joy and hope to the world...not more bad news.

  2. WOW!!! Your blog deserve it Liz :) Congrats! Hope you are having a great time in Singapore. *HUGS*
